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Which Is Most Populated Religion In The World (Of World Population By Religion)

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World Religions By Population – Although the number of religions in the world would be more than 300, but some religions are more prevalent widely – Hindu, Jain, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Sikh etc. Apart from these, many other religions are also maintaining their existence while some have lost their existence. So let us know which religion has the largest number of people in the world –

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Which Is Most Populated Religion In The World – World Religions By Population

The most populous religion in the world is Christianity. According to population, Christianity has the largest number of followers in the world. Christianity has approximately 2.4 billion followers, out of approximately 7.2 billion people. Christianity represents approximately one-third of the world’s population and is the largest religion in the world.

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Let us tell you that the founder of Christianity is Jesus Christ who was born in Bethlehem. No one knows what Jesus Christ did between the ages of 13 and 29. There is no mention of these years in the Bible.

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Some researchers believe that Jesus Christ lived in India from the age of 13 to 29 and then from the age of 33 to 112. It is believed that during this period he meditated while staying in the monasteries of Buddhist and Nath sect in the Indian state of Kashmir. It is believed that here in a narrow street of Khanyar, an old area of Srinagar city of Kashmir, there is a grave built in a stone building called ‘Raujabal’ where his body is kept.

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Top 10 religions of the world

1) Christianity

Christianity is considered to be the largest religion in the world, 31 percent of the people following Christianity in the whole world. More than 2.2 billion people follow Christianity.

2) Islam religion

Islam is also included among the largest religions of the world, which comes at second place. Followers of Islam religion are called Muslims. After Christianity, Islam is the most followed religion in the whole world. 1.6 billion Muslims follow the religion of Islam.

3) Hinduism

The name of Hinduism comes at third place among the largest and greatest religions of the world. In the whole world, Hindu religion is followed only in the country of India in Asia and even then the number of people following this religion is more than 1 billion i.e. 100 crores.

4) Chinese traditional religion

At fourth place comes Chinese traditional religion, the number of its followers is about 394 million i.e. 5.5 percent of the entire population.

5) Buddhism

The name of Buddhism also comes among the largest religions of the world. In this matter Buddhism comes at number four. Although Buddhism originated from India, but today there are many countries where Buddhism is followed, such as Nepal, China, Japan etc. In the entire world, the number of people following this religion is 5 percent. 37 crore people all over the world are followers of Buddhism and follow it.

6) African traditional religion

About 40 crore people are associated with African traditional religion. That means their share in the world population is about 5.59 percent.

7) Sikhism

Actually, like Buddhism, Sikhism also originated from India. But today this religion is followed in many countries other than India. 2.3 crore people follow Sikhism all over the world. People who follow Sikhism are called Punjabi.

8) Jew

The share of Jews in the world population is 0.20 percent. The population of the Jewish community is approximately 1.4 crores.

9) Jainism

The number of people following Jainism in the world is about 42 lakh.

10) Shinto religion

Shinto religion is a religion found in Japan, which is followed by about 4 million people.

Which religion is growing fastest

Islam is the fastest spreading religion in the world, but the population of Muslims is the fastest growing. At the rate at which the Muslim population is increasing, by 2070 the number of followers of Islam will be the highest in the world and it will leave Christianity behind.

According to a report by Pew Research Center, by the year 2060, the total population of Muslims in the whole world will increase by 70 percent as compared to 2015 and there will be around 3 billion Muslims. Muslim population in 2015 was 1.8 billion.

In the year 2010, among the countries with Muslim population, Indonesia, Pakistan and India were included in the top 3 respectively. According to Pew Research, by the year 2030, Pakistan will become the country with the largest Muslim population, leaving Indonesia behind. If this pace continues, by 2050 Pakistan will also be left behind and India will have the largest number of Muslims in the entire world. However, even then the largest population in India will be of Hindus. India is among those countries where the Muslim population is growing the fastest. This is a higher rate even compared to the majority Hindu population of the country.

Reason for fastest growing Muslim population

According to a report by Population Reference Bureau (PRB), there are many factors behind the fastest growing Muslim population in the world.

First – Even though the fertility rate of Muslim women has declined in recent years, women in Muslim-majority countries are still having more children than those in non-Muslim countries.

Second – Since earlier the fertility rate of Muslim women was much higher, most of the children born then are now young and are of marriageable age or on the verge of becoming parents.

Third – In Muslim countries, laws like population control are very lax as compared to non-Muslim countries. Another important reason is that Muslim women use comparatively less resources required for child birth control.

Fourth – According to PRB, another important reason for the increase in Muslim population is their socio-economic condition. The socio-economic condition of Muslims has improved in recent years. Education has also improved. In such a situation, things like infant mortality rate have decreased.

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