Who Was The Founder Of Hinduism, Who Was Founded Hinduism

Who Is The Founder Of Hinduism – Religion is a word considered very important for humans. Every religion has its own beliefs and rituals, similarly Hindu religion has its own faith and importance. People are more influenced by Hindu religion. In such a situation, today we will tell you some things related to Hindu religion which you will be surprised to know.

Sanatan Hindu Hinduism is the oldest religion in the whole world, there is no evidence of the existence of any religion before it. But do you know who is the founder of the world’s oldest religion, who founded Hinduism? If not then let us give you information about it.

Who Is The Founder Of Hinduism (Who Was The Founder Of Hinduism)

Let us tell you that the world’s oldest religion, Hindu or Sanatan Dharma, has no founder or father. Other religions have founders, such as Jesus for Christianity, Muhammad for Islam or Buddha for Buddhism. But Hinduism has no founder, the world’s oldest religion has no father. Let us tell you that Hindu religion is also called Sanatan Dharma. The original name for this religion in Sanskrit is Sanatan Dharma.

Meaning of eternal

Sanatan Dharma has been in existence since the time when no organized religion existed, now because there was no other way of living life, it did not need any name. After this, organized religions were gradually formed. Truth itself was given the name of Sanatan. Sanatan is made up of two words Sat and Tat. Which means this and that. Sanatan is that which has no beginning and no end… Only those who believe in Sanatan Dharma are called Hindus. In the 19th century and onwards, Sanatan Dharma was used to represent Hinduism as a religion separate from other religions.

How old is hindu religion

Sanatan Dharma is also known as Hinduism or Vedic religion. Everyone knows it as the oldest form of religion in the world. Many signs of Sanatan Dharma are found in the Indus Valley Civilization of India. This religion is said to be about 12 thousand years old and according to some beliefs it is also said to be 90 thousand years old.

How did you get the Hindu name?

When the Turks and Iranians came to India, they entered through the Indus Valley. Sindhu is a Sanskrit name. Due to lack of word ‘s’ in their language, they could not pronounce Sindhu, hence they started calling the word Sindhu as Hindu. Just in this way the name Sindhu changed into Hindu. They started calling the people living here Hindus and that is how the country of Hindus got the name of Hindustan.

Rules of sanatan dharma

1) Karma – Karma means “action” or “deed”. This is a central principle of Sanatan Dharma which says that every action has a consequence. Good deeds bring good results, while bad deeds bring bad results.

2) Reincarnation – Reincarnation means birth of the soul in a new body after death. This is another important principle of Sanatan Dharma which says that the soul is immortal and even after death it continues to cycle through many lives.

3) Moksha – Moksha means freedom from the cycle of birth and death. This is the ultimate goal of Sanatan Dharma. To attain salvation, one has to adopt the path of karma, knowledge and devotion.

4) Four Vedas – Vedas are the most ancient and sacred texts of Sanatan Dharma. These include Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. These texts include mantras, stotras, rituals and darshan.

5) Upanishads – Upanishads are the last parts of the Vedas and are also called Vedanta philosophy. In these, deep thoughts have been given on subjects like soul, Brahma, and salvation.

6) Six philosophies – There are six main philosophies in Sanatan Dharma: Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta. These philosophies consider various topics such as the nature of reality, the nature of knowledge, and the path to attain liberation.

7) Dharma – Dharma means “morality” or “duty”. Sanatan Dharma mentions different religious duties for the four main varnas (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra) and four ashrams (Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sannyasa).

8) Worship – Worship is an important part of Sanatan Dharma. This includes worshiping gods and goddesses, chanting mantras, and performing rituals.

9) Festivals – Many festivals are celebrated in Sanatan Dharma which commemorate various gods and goddesses and events. Some of the major festivals include Holi, Diwali, Dussehra, Ganesh Chaturthi and Navratri.

10) Yoga – Yoga is an ancient practice of Sanatana Dharma that focuses on uniting the mind, body and soul. It includes asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing control), and meditation.

There is a lot of diversity in Sanatan Dharma. Many gods and goddesses are worshiped in Sanatan Dharma, which include Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. Cow is considered a sacred animal in Sanatan Dharma. Ahimsa (non-violence) is considered an important virtue in Sanatan Dharma.

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