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Buddhism Founder – When Was Buddhism Founded (Who Was The Founder Of Buddhism)

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Who Is The Founder Of Buddhism – People of different religions live in the country and the world. People of different religions also live in India. Buddhism is considered to be the fifth largest religion in the world.

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Most of the followers of this religion live in many countries like China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and India. Buddhism originated before Christianity and Islam. It is the third largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam and traditional Chinese religions. So let us know who is the founder of Buddhism, and when was Buddhism established –

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Who Is The Founder Of Buddhism (Who Founded Buddhism)

Founder of Buddhism – Siddhartha Gautama was Buddha, who is also called the Light of Asia.

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Gautam Buddha was born in 563 BC. He was born in Lumbini village of Kapilvastu situated in the Terai of Nepal. His childhood name was Siddharth. Siddhartha’s mother’s name was Mahamaya and father’s name was Shuddhodan. After his mother’s death, he was brought up by his aunt Gautami.

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When Was Buddhism Founded

Buddhism is an ancient Indian religion. It is said that it was established by Lord Buddha 2600 years ago. It is one of the important religions of South and South-East Asian countries. The religion began around 563 BC, based on the teachings, life experiences of Siddhartha Gautama.

The birth and death of Buddha is considered to be “536 BC – 483 BC”. A research has shown that Buddha was born about a century earlier than the prevalent birth year, “BC 623 – BC 543” is considered to be the lifetime of Buddha,

Interesting facts about Gautam Buddha and Buddhism

The real name of Lord Buddha was Siddhartha Gautam. “623 BC – 543 BC” is considered to be the lifetime of Buddha. He asked followers to avoid the two extremes of indulgence in worldly pleasures, the practice of strict abstinence and asceticism.

He instead suggested a ‘madhyam marg’ or middle path, which was to be followed. Emphasizing the individualistic component of Buddhism, according to the Buddha, everyone was responsible for their own happiness in life. The core teachings of Buddhism are embodied in the four noble truths or Ariya-sachchani and the core concept of the Eightfold Path or Ashtangika Marga.

Gautam Buddha was married to a girl named Yashodhara, from whom he had a son, whose name was Rahul. Buddha left home at the age of 29 to satisfy his thirst for enlightenment, which is called Mahabhiniskramana in Buddhist scriptures.

Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment at the age of 35 on the 49th day under a Peepal tree on the banks of the Niranjana River near Gaya. After attaining enlightenment Siddhartha was called Buddha. In Buddhist texts his attainment of knowledge has been called Nirvana.

In Sarnath near Varanasi, Mahatma Buddha gave his first sermon to five scholars, monks, who are known as Dharmachakrapravartana in the Buddhist tradition.

Mahatma Buddha died in 483 BC at the age of eighty. Was born in Kushinagar (located in Deoria district) of present Uttar Pradesh. This is known as Mahaparinirvana in the Buddhist tradition.

The foundation of Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths. These are the four noble truths – sorrow, community of sorrow, cessation of sorrow and cessation of sorrow-gamini-pratipada (path to remove sorrow) i.e. the eightfold path.

Mahatma Buddha made two Shudras named Tapas and Mallak the first followers of Buddhism. Buddha gave most of his teachings in his life in Shravasti, the capital of the country. He also made Magadha his campaign center.

One of the main disciples of Buddha was Upali, and the other was Ananda. The Buddhist Sangha was established in Sarnath itself. Buddhism is atheistic. In fact, Buddha emphasized on human dignity instead of God. Buddhism opposes the caste system and caste system.

For Buddhists, 4 days of the month, Amavasya, Purnima and two Chaturthi days were fasting days. The most sacred and important festival of Buddhists is the full moon day of Vaishakh, which is also known as Buddha Purnima.

There are two main sects of Buddhism – Hinayana and Mahayana. People of Hinayana sect are spread in countries like Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Java etc. Presently people of Mahayana sect are in Tibet, China, Korea, Mongolia and Japan.

Another branch of Buddhism, Vrajyana, became popular in the 7th century. This branch is full of Tantra-Mantra. Whose main center was Vikramshila University located in Bhagalpur district (Bihar).

After the death of Gautam Buddha, the remains of Buddha’s body were divided into eight parts and eight stupas were built over them.


Who is Buddhism God?
The founder of Buddhism is Lord Buddha.

Was Lord Buddha a Hindu?
Yes, Lord Buddha was a Hindu.

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