Kalki Avatar Of Lord Vishnu – What Is Kalki Avatar, Kalki Avatar Birth Or Born

Who Is Kalki Avatar – In the Puranas, the arrival of Kalki Avatar in the last phase of Kaliyug has been predicted. Right now the first phase of Kaliyug is going on but already worship and rituals have started in the name of Kalki Avatar. Some organizations claim that the time for the appearance of Kalki Avatar is near and some claim that Kalki Avatar has already happened. So let’s know What Is Kalki Avatar, And Kalki Avatar Birth Or Born –

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Kalki Avatar Of Lord Vishnu (Who Is Kalki Avatar Of Vishnu)

Lord Kalki is considered to be the 10th incarnation of Lord Hari Vishnu. Actually, Kalki is considered to be the tenth and last incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to Kalki Purana and Agni Purana, Shri Hari’s ‘Kalki’ incarnation will incarnate at the end of Kaliyug. After which all the sins and bad deeds will be destroyed from the earth.

In the 16th chapter of Agni Purana, Kalki avatar is depicted as a horse rider holding a bow and arrow. In this, the name of Lord Kalki’s horse is said to be Devadatta. According to mythological beliefs, Kaliyug is 432000 years old, whose first phase is going on right now. When the last phase of Kaliyug begins, then Kalki will take avatar.

At the same time, according to Kalki Purana, Lord Kalki will be born in Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh. This birth will be in a Brahmin family only. According to the Puranas, Lord Kalki will be born as the son of an ascetic Brahmin named Vishnuyasha at a place called Shambhal in Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh.

Kalki will destroy the sinners from the world by riding on a horse named Devadatta and will re-establish religion. Lord Kalki will be a great warrior. Who will be born at the end of Kaliyug to remove all the evils.

According to Kalki Purana, Lord Vishnu will take incarnation in the form of Kalki in Kaliyug. Kalki Avatar will take place at the junction of Kaliyug and Satyayug, which will be an avatar consisting of 64 arts.

It is clearly mentioned in the tenth chapter of Skanda Purana that in Kaliyug, Lord Vishnu will take the form of Shri Kalki in Sambhal village. Under the sixteenth chapter of ‘Agni Purana’, Kalki Avatar has been depicted as a horse rider holding a bow and arrow, which is going to happen in the future.

According to Kalki Purana, he will ride on a white horse with a gleaming sword in his hand and will go out for war and victory and will establish Sanatan Rajya by defeating Buddhists, Jains and Mlechchas.

Kalki Bhagwan, who is an avatar of Vishnu Ji, will get guidance from his guru Parshuram Ji. Parshuram Ji is also considered an avatar of Vishnu Ji and has got immortality. Kalki Bhagwan will do penance of Lord Shiva on the advice of Parshuram Ji. This penance will give him divine powers, with which he will destroy the evil from the world.

Important points of Kalki Avatar

1) According to Shrimad Bhagwat, Lord Kalki will be born in Sambhal village of India. Lord Vishnu’s Kalki avatar will take place in the house of Brahmin Vishnuyash there. Vishnuyash will be a person with a generous heart and devotion.

2) Describing the incarnation of Lord Kalki, it has been told that he will ride on the fast running white horse Devadatta and will kill the wicked with a sword and will protect the religion.

3) It has been further told that rays of incomparable brilliance will be shining from every pore of Lord Kalki. He will ride on his horse and travel all over the earth. He will be endowed with all the divine qualities.

4) He will suppress the tyrants hiding in the guise of a king. He will put an end to those wicked people who will pretend to be religious and gentlemanly.

5) When he will kill all the wicked people on earth, the hearts of the people there will become pure and clean. Lord Vasudev will reside in the hearts of those people.

6) When Lord Kalki will take incarnation, Satyug will start from that time itself. All the living beings of that time will be filled with Satva Guna.

7) In the first moment of Pushya Nakshatra, when the Sun, Moon and Jupiter will come together on one zodiac at the same time, Satyug will start from that time itself.


When and where will Lord Kalki be born?
Lord Kalki will be born in Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh. Lord Kalki will be born at the end of Kalyug, and Kalyug is of 432000 years. By then probably no creature of the present time will be alive to see the Kalki avatar.

Who is the real Lord Kalki?
The real Lord Kalki will be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Whom will Kalki avatar kill in Kalyug?
In Kalyug, Kalki avatar will kill the demon Kali.

When will Kalki avatar come to India?
Lord Kalki will incarnate at the end of Kalyug, there are still 426875 years left for the end of Kalyug.

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