Side Effects Of Rice Water On Hair – We see many types of natural hair treatments which are used by many people on a large scale. Out of all these hair treatments, people are using rice water to prevent hair problems and make their hair soft. However, you can agree with me on the fact that any kind of treatment or product used on the body can also have some side effects. This is because the skin of all people is not the same, so this treatment of rice water can harm their hair and scalp instead of nourishing it. Today we will discuss some possible side effects of rice water treatment.
Side Effects Of Rice Water On Hair (Side Effects Of Rice Water For Hair)
Although the use of rice water is safe for hair, but sometimes applying it to the head can cause itching or redness in the skin. Because there is a fear of infection from rice husk many times. If you experience any itching or irritation, immediately wash your head with lukewarm water.
1) It can cause protein overload
Anything in excess is harmful to the body and this is also an example of the same. Rice water is essential for our body, including hair, but if it becomes excessive, it can cause problems. If your hair has low porosity, the protein will form an extra layer on your scalp instead of being absorbed in the body.
Rice water is beneficial for people who have very high porosity in their hair, as their hair absorbs all the protein which makes the hair strong and healthy. Also, applying rice water on hair can be uncomfortable as it hardens over time, which means your hair can become brittle and dry. So using rice water to condition hair can cause some problems.
2) It makes dry scalp worse
As mentioned earlier, it contains a lot of proteins that are harsh in nature. So when you use rice water multiple times, it can make your scalp worse.The dryness in your scalp can increaseIt can even go to an extreme level where you need medical treatment to heal your scalp.The most common mistake people make while applying rice water to their hair is that they leave it on for a long time, sometimes overnight.
They believe that it is more helpful but in reality it can cause more problems. If you want to apply rice water for conditioning then you have to wash your hair after half an hour. Remember that dry, flaky scalp comes from the overproduction of yeast, leaving your hair with rice water for a long time can complicate things for you.
3) Rice water can cause your hair to smell
Rice water has many health benefits but it can also cause something unusual. Fermented rice water can actually cause a lot of odor in your hair that won’t go away easily. So as long as you are willing to sit at home and stay away from people, it is fine but otherwise it can cause some social challenges for you.
This happens because rice water that gets fermented has a specific pungent smell that increases with time. Also your hair can become more rough and tough which you usually don’t want, especially women. However you can add some essential oils to it to solve this problem at least.
4) If it is not regular then it is of no use
Rice water as a treatment is useful and effective only when it is applied to your hair regularly. If there will be inconsistency then the nutrition will not be proper and hence dry or brittle hair can occur. So if you are one of those people who are naturally impatient, then rice water treatment is not for you. Rice water takes time to show some positive effects on your hair.
5) Effectiveness is anecdotal
This means that rice water may not work on some people. There have been many cases in which people used rice water but it proved to be more harmful than improving the quality of their hair. Using rice water on your hair for such a long time without getting any positive results can also affect your health and skin. You may also apply the wrong amount of rice water to get some benefits.
6) Rice water contains arsenic
It contains arsenic, arsenic is basically a chemical that is sprayed along with pesticides in cotton fields to prevent pests from harming the crop. So this is a type of chemical that can damage your hair instead of making it stronger and healthier. Most of the side effects of arsenic appear in the later stages of your life so this remedy or treatment should be avoided if possible.