Is Gautam Buddha Avatar Of Vishnu, Why Did Vishnu Take Buddha Avatar

Is Buddha Avatar Of Vishnu – Lord Buddha is considered to be the 9th avatar of Lord Vishnu among his 10 avatars and the 23rd avatar of his 24 avatars. The story of Lord Vishnu’s Buddha avatar has been mentioned in many important Hindu religious texts and Puranas. Prominent among them are – Vishnu Purana, Bhagwat Purana, Garuda Purana, Agni Purana, Harivansh Purana, Kalki Purana, Lalit Vistar, Shrimad Bhagwat etc. It has been said in these religious texts that Lord Vishnu took the avatar of Buddha to divert the demons from Vedic rituals and to establish the religion of the era. There is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding the Buddha avatar of Lord Vishnu. Three types of beliefs are prevalent in this regard –

1) Buddhists believe that Buddha is not an incarnation of Vishnu but Buddha is independent.

2) Some Hindus believe that Gautam Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is the 9th incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

3) Some Hindus believe that Gautam Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, and Lord Vishnu’s incarnation Buddha are different.

So let’s know Is Buddha Avatar Of Lord Vishnu And Why Did Vishnu Take Buddha Avatar –

Is Buddha Avatar Of Vishnu (Is Gautam Buddha Avatar Of Vishnu)

In Hindu Sanatan Dharma, Buddha is considered to be the 9th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. But Gautam Buddha and Lord Buddha are not the same, they are different.

In the context of the difference between Gautam Buddha and Lord Buddha, it is argued that Lord Buddha was born from the womb of mother Anjana on the Saptami of Paush Shukla Paksha, while Gautam Buddha was born from the womb of Maya on the full moon day of Vaishakh Shukla Paksha.

The name of Lord Buddha’s mother was Anjana, while the name of Gautam Buddha’s mother was Maya. Similarly, the name of Lord Buddha’s father was Hemasadan, while the name of Gautam Buddha’s father was Shuddhodhan. Whereas, Lord Buddha was born in a Brahmin family, while Gautam Buddha was born in a Kshatriya family.

Similarly, on the basis of differences in facts, it has been established that Lord Buddha and Gautam Buddha are different, not the same.

People who believe in this belief say that earlier Balarama and Krishna were counted separately among the incarnations of Vishnu, but later Adi Guru Shankaracharya included Buddha in Dashavatara in place of Balarama. Some people believe that poet Jaydev included Buddha’s name in Dashavatara, whereas before that Buddha’s name was not included in Dashavatara.

On the other hand, Buddhism does not believe in incarnation, nor does it believe in any divine power. Buddhists deny that Gautam Buddha is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Buddhists separate Gautam Buddha from the Hindu tradition. Gautam Buddha’s life, events related to him and his teachings have been described in detail in Buddhist religious texts. On the basis of these facts, Buddhists consider Gautam Buddha to be separate and independent from the Hindu religion tradition.

Why Did Vishnu Take Buddha Avatar

Those who believe in the view that Lord Buddha and Gautam Buddha are different, they believe that once in Kaliyug, demons started reciting Vedas, started performing yagna, started worshipping and started donating. They wore sacred thread and declared themselves as Brahmins. This increased the power of demons a lot. Gods started fearing them.

To get rid of this, all the gods went to Lord Vishnu. Then Lord Vishnu incarnated as Buddha in the Keekat area to fascinate the demon mlechha. In this way, Lord Buddha was incarnated to liberate the Sanatan Dharma from the way demons had infiltrated. Lord Vishnu, by taking the incarnation of Buddha, turned the demons away from religion and protected the honor and respect of the gods and ended the attempt of demons to get unfair benefits from religion.


Was Buddha an incarnation of Lord Vishnu?
In Hinduism, Buddha is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Was Lord Buddha a Hindu?
Yes, Lord Buddha was a Hindu.

Which caste did Lord Buddha belong to?
Lord Buddha was born in a Brahmin family.

What are the 24 avatars of Lord Vishnu?
Lord Vishnu has 24 avatars – Shri Sankadi Muni, Varaha avatar, Narada avatar, Nar-Narayan, Kapil Muni, Dattatreya avatar, Yagya, Lord Rishabhdev, Adi Rajprithvi, Matsya avatar, Kurma avatar, Lord Dhanvantri, Mohini avatar, Lord Narasimha, Vamana avatar, Hayagriva, Shri Hari avatar, Parashurama, Vyas, Hans, Rama avatar, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki avatar.

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