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God Hanuman Stories (God Hanuman Story) – Story Hanuman In English (Stories Of Hanuman In English)

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Hanuman God Story In English – It is said that if you want to find God, then first find his devotee. Who is a bigger devotee of God than Hanuman. If you find Hanuman ji, then understand that God will automatically be found by you. Hanuman ji’s unconditional devotion also teaches us many kinds of lessons and also shows the way to turn towards God. So let us tell you 13 such stories about such brave Hanuman, out of which it is certain that you will be hearing many stories for the first time. Meditate on Hanuman ji and start reading these stories of his. May Lord Hanuman bless everyone.

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Hanuman God Story In English – Hanuman Story In English (Hanuman Stories In English)

1) Birth of Hanuman

Long ago, there lived a monkey named Anjana near a beautiful hill. She was very beautiful and kind. Anjana was married to a powerful monkey named Kesari. One day, Anjana was worshipping Lord Shiva and praying to him to bless her with a special son. Lord Shiva was impressed by her devotion and granted a boon that Anjana would be blessed with a brave and powerful son.

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At the same time, King Dasharatha was performing a yajna in Ayodhya so that he could be blessed with a son. As a result of the yajna, King Dasharatha got holy kheer. He gave parts of the kheer to his three queens, and some part flew into the sky. This holy kheer reached Anjana and she consumed it.

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Anjana gave birth to a beautiful and strong son a few months later. That son was Hanuman. Hanuman was very strong and clever since childhood. His tail was long and strong, and he could jump very high.

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One day, Hanuman saw a golden fruit and jumped towards the sun to eat it. Lord Indra struck him with his thunderbolt to stop him. Hanuman fell unconscious and was hurt in his chin (Hanu in Hindi). Hence he was named Hanuman.

Hanuman did a lot of mischief in his childhood, but he was always ready to help others. He became an ardent devotee of Lord Rama and performed many amazing feats with him.

2) How Hanuman Ji got his amazing strength

Once upon a time, a little boy was born to Anjani Mata and a monkey king named Kesari. This boy was named Hanuman. Hanuman was very cute and mischievous.

When Hanuman was small, he used to play a lot and have fun with his friends. One day, Hanuman was very hungry. He saw the sun shining in the sky and thought that it was a big fruit. Hanuman thought of eating the sun and quickly jumped high into the sky.

While flying towards the sun, Hanuman Ji met Rahu on the way. Rahu was going to eclipse the sun. Hanuman thought Rahu was also a big fruit and tried to catch him. Rahu got scared and ran to Indra Dev.

Indra Dev seeing all this hit Hanuman with his Vajra. Hanuman fell unconscious due to the Vajra injury. Seeing this his mother Anjani became very sad and prayed to all the gods. All the gods came and gave Hanuman lots of powers and blessings. Brahma Ji blessed him to be invincible from any weapon, Vishnu Ji blessed him to never die, and Indra Dev blessed him with strength and courage from his Vajra.

Shiva Ji also blessed Hanuman with protection from his trident and Varun Dev blessed him to be strong even in water. Due to all these blessings Hanuman became very powerful.

In this way, Hanuman Ji got his amazing strength and he became the most beloved devotee and brave warrior of Lord Rama.

3) When Lord Rama gave death sentence to Hanuman Ji

Very few people would know this story of Lord Rama and Hanuman Ji. Many people are not even able to believe this story. So let us tell you this story. Once many Brahmins and saints were gathered in the assembly of Lord Rama. From Narad ji to Guru Vashisht and Vishwamitra ji were also putting their views in it. It is said that Hanuman ji was also sitting quietly in a corner in this assembly. During this discussion, suddenly Narad ji put forward the point that the name of Lord Rama is bigger than him and he said that he will also prove it.

After the discussion was over, Narad ji told Hanuman ji to start honoring all the sages and saints but he also said that Vishwamitra should be left out. Narad ji gave the twist here that Vishwamitra is the king, so it is not necessary to do this with him. In such a situation, following Narad ji’s advice, Hanuman ji welcomed all the sages but when Vishwamitra’s turn came, he ignored him. Vishwamitra could not tolerate this insult and he immediately asked his disciple Ram to promise to give death penalty to Hanuman.

Now Ram ji got stuck in a dilemma. On one side was the devotee whom he loved very much and on the other side was the Guru. But how to avoid the Guru’s words. So he started going towards Hanuman ji to give him death penalty. Meanwhile, Narad ji told Hanuman ji not to be afraid and just keep chanting Ram’s name. Now what happened was that whatever weapons Lord Ram tried to kill him, all of them failed. After this, to ensure that the glory of the Guru does not fade, Lord Ram used Brahmastra as the last option. But what is this, this also failed. Accepting defeat, Ram ji had to go to Vishwamitra and tell the whole truth. Vishwamitra ji was happy and he freed Ram ji from the promise. In this way it was also proved that the name of Lord Ram is greater than him. And Hanuman Ji also got saved and immersed himself in the devotion of God.

4) Lord Shri Ram’s departure to Vaikuntha and Hanuman’s mind wandering

Yama, the god of death, was afraid of Hanuman, Hanuman ji used to guard the door of Ram’s palace and it was clear that no one could take Ram away from him. Hanuman had to be distracted to get Yama to enter.

So Rama dropped his ring in a crack in the floor of the palace and requested that Hanuman go to fetch it, later, Hanuman realized that his entry into Naga-loka and his timing with the ring was no accident.

This was Rama’s way of saying that he could not stop the impending death. Thus Sri Rama gave up his human body and departed to Vaikuntha.

5) The story of the curse on Hanuman

In his childhood, Hanuman was mischievous, and would sometimes tease sages meditating in the forests. His antics were intolerable, but knowing that Hanuman was a child, the sages placed a mild curse on him due to which he lost the ability to remember his powers.

He had forgotten his powers unless someone else reminded him. This curse was revealed in Kishkinda Kanda and Sunderkanda when Jambant reminded Hanuman of his powers and encouraged him to go and find Sita.

6) Hanuman Putra Makardhwaj Story

Although he was never married, Lord Hanuman took a dip in the ocean after burning Lanka and a drop of his sweat fell into the mouth of a famous fish from which Makardhwaj was born. Makardhwaj was made the protector of Patala Loka and it was there that Hanuman and Makardhwaj met.

7) Why do people offer Sindoor to Lord Hanuman

One day after exile, when Sita and Rama returned to Ayodhya, Hanuman saw Mata Sita wearing Sindoor and asked what it signified? Mata Sita replied that it was traditionally applied by married women for the longevity of their husbands’ lives.

So Hanuman went and smeared his entire body with sindoor, which impressed Rama and he told Hanuman that whoever offers you sindoor, all their obstacles will be removed from their life.

8) Hanuman vs Bhima Story

Hanuman is considered to be the brother of Bhima as their father was also the wind god. During the Pandavas’ exile, Hanuman disguised himself as a weak and aged monkey to Bhima so that he could reduce his ego. Hanuman blocked Bhima’s path with his tail. Bhima revealed his identity and asked him to move out of the way.

Hanuman refused to move. When Bhima asked again, he said move my tail and go away. Bhima tried to move his tail but was unable to despite his great strength. Bhima then realized that he was no ordinary monkey and accepted defeat and his ego vanished.

9) Shri Ram and Sita in Hanuman’s heart

After returning to Ayodhya, Ram and Sita decided to honour all those who had helped them and when it was Hanuman’s turn, Sitaji gifted him her pearl necklace.

Hanuman started crying after receiving the necklace and he started searching for Sita Ram in each pearl. When asked why he says that there is Lord Ram and Sita inside every pearl, he said that this necklace has no value without Ram-Sita.

People around him started mocking him and saying that his relationship with Lord Rama and Sita cannot be as deep as he is claiming, then he opened his chest to show Rama and Sita in his heart and Rama and Sita were actually visible in his heart.

When Hanuman freed Shani Dev from Ravana’s basement

Many people say that Shani Dev and Hanuman Ji do not get along. Especially some fake pundits of today often try to create a dispute between the two people so that their business runs. But from this story you will understand how much respect both of them have for each other. So it happened that when Hanuman Ji was running Lanka, he found Shani Dev imprisoned in Ravana’s basement. Here he freed Shani Dev. After this, he also got help from Shani Dev to defeat Ravana. Later when Shani Dev was pleased, he asked that tell me what should I do for you. Hanuman just asked for blessings. Shani Dev Ji clearly said that go, from today onwards, whoever will be your devotee, I will not make him a part of the wrath in any form. From then till today, Shani Dev’s sight never turns crooked on Hanuman Ji’s devotees.

10) This is how immortal Hanuman Ji died

If someone says that Hanuman Ji also died, then you will laugh. It is natural that you will do so. Because Hanuman Ji is immortal. He has a boon that he will never die. Then when did this happen? So let’s read this story. It is said that once Lord Rama went out to kill the demon Sahasshira. But when he did not return for many days, Mother Sita worried and sent Hanuman to search for him.

In Vilanka, the demon had placed a village goddess at his gate to protect him from his enemies. There was also a lake of poison next to that village goddess. If someone reached this city with a friendly attitude and drank the water of the lake, then that poison would not harm him, but if someone reached with an enemy attitude, he would die after drinking the water of the lake.

It is said that when Hanuman ji reached this city in search of Ram ji, the city goddess recognized him at the gate itself and she went and sat on his neck. Due to this, his throat started drying up due to thirst. To wet his throat, he drank the water of the lake and died due to the poison. When both Ram and Hanuman did not meet for many days, the whole world started worrying. The gods and goddesses started looking for both of them. When it was known that Lord Hanuman had died in Vilanka, her husband Pawandev became sad and stopped crying. This created an uproar in the entire universe. All the gods then pleaded to Pawandev and promised that he would bring Hanuman ji back to life. It is said that the gods showered nectar and brought Hanuman ji back to life after six months.

11) When Hanuman ji was born from Dasharath’s kheer

Many stories of Lord Hanuman’s birth are popular. The most popular story is that when Dasharath was performing yajna to get a son, after the havan, Gurudev gave him kheer and said that you should feed a little bit of kheer to your three wives. It is said that some part of this kheer fell and a crow flew away with it.

Anjani Maa was doing penance at a distance. This kheer fell in her lap. Considering it as a prasad given by God, she accepted it and from this prasad, Hanuman ji was born in her house. It is said that this happened due to the grace of Varundev and Lord Shiva. That is why Hanuman is also called the son of Varundev and Shiva.

12) When Bharata killed Hanuman ji along with the mountain

This story is of the time when Lakshmana had fainted due to Meghnad’s Shakti arrow and Hanuman went to Dronachal mountain to get Sanjivani herb for him. Because he could not identify the herb, he uprooted the whole mountain and flew away with it. But when he was going over Ayodhya, Bharata ji’s eyes fell on him. Seeing a monkey along with the huge mountain, Bharata ji realized that it was an enemy and he immediately shot an arrow towards Hanuman ji. Due to this, Hanuman ji along with the mountain fell down. Then he introduced himself and told the whole story. After this, Bharata ji started crying and regrettingly asked for forgiveness from Hanuman ji.

13) Hanuman ji broke Arjuna’s ego

This story is of the time when Arjuna was passing through Rameswaram. It is said that a monkey was sitting there and was engrossed in devotion to God. Seeing this monkey sitting on Ram Setu in devotion to God, Arjuna shot an arrow to break his penance without knowing anything. After this Arjuna also started laughing. When Hanuman asked the reason for this, Arjuna said in arrogance, Lord Ram was an archer, then why did he not build the bridge with arrows, why did he build it with these stones. I am laughing seeing these stones.

On this Hanuman Ji in the form of a monkey said that there were many powerful people in Ram’s army. Among them was Hanuman whose weight could not be handled by arrows, so he built the bridge with stones. Arjuna became arrogant on this and he built a bridge on the sea with his arrows and challenged him to break it if he had the guts. It is said that as soon as Hanuman Ji just stood, the bridge collapsed. Arjuna realized his mistake and started apologizing. It is said that Arjuna felt so much remorse that he was going to commit suicide, but due to Hanuman Ji’s remembrance, Lord Krishna appeared and stopped him. It is said that Lord Krishna himself had sent Hanuman ji there to break the pride of Arjun.

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