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Top 10 Benefits Of Ruby Stone – Ruby Gemstone Benefits (Benefits Of Ruby Stone)

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Gemstone Ruby Benefits – Gems have great importance in astrology, they are related to energy and some planet. The beauty of gems shining in your fingers adds to the beauty of your personality, these gems can also brighten your luck. But it is not right to wear them in the desired way.

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It is important to take advice from astrologers before wearing these gems. Because if they do not suit you, they can also have adverse effects. Many people wear it on the finger of Saturn, this can be harmful.

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Who can wear Ruby?

This beautiful gem is also called Manikya. This gem with a pink aura like a pomegranate seed is precious. Its properties are also priceless. It is related to the Sun, people whose Sun is contaminated in their horoscope, is weak, is lowly placed, is with the enemy planet or whose zodiac sign is Leo, such people are often advised to wear Manikya.

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Apart from this, people with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius ascendant can also wear this gem. It gives normal results to people with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces ascendant. People with Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius ascendant should not wear this gem. People doing business related to Saturn should also not wear this gem.

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Gemstone Ruby Benefits (Ruby Stone Benefits) – Top 10 Benefits Of Ruby Stone

Ruby gem is related to the Sun and with the grace of the Sun, one gets high position, fame etc. Due to this, if wearing this gem suits a person, then that person starts getting success in government and administrative work. If this gem suits, then the face starts glowing.

If a person is facing job related problems and the astrologer advises him to wear ruby, then he can benefit. Such a person can get high position and prestige in the job.

With the effect of this gem, leadership ability increases in the person, he gets support and praise in government services.

Wearing ruby ​​gemstone increases the confidence of a person, enhances his personality. Improves eye sight and blood circulation.

This gemstone is considered good for people with weak Sun in the horoscope. Ruby is very beneficial for the person who suffers from indigestion, jaundice, diarrhea, high and low blood pressure.

Wearing ruby ​​strengthens the bones, it is also helpful in curing skin related diseases.

If any trouble is going to come to the person wearing ruby, it tells in advance. Suppose a person is going to die, then the color of ruby ​​will start fading three months before. It also starts fading when a serious disease comes.

If there is some problem in the house or there is tension and quarrel, then wearing ruby ​​will be very beneficial. Wearing ruby ​​strengthens the relationships and positive energy is transmitted around. The warmth of this gem maintains the relationships and a lot of change is also seen in the personality.

Wearing ruby ​​gemstone increases self-confidence and people’s opinion about you changes. People who feel that no one is listening to them should definitely wear ruby. But keep in mind that ruby ​​should never be worn in an iron ring, doing so can be harmful.

If both husband and wife are wearing ruby ​​and one of them is cheating, then the ruby ​​on the other’s hand starts fading.

One gets success in controlling impure thoughts.

Negative Effects of Wearing Ruby Gemstone

If ruby ​​is not suiting a person, that is, it is not giving benefits, then he will have headache. Family problems will increase. He may have to face disrepute.

If ruby ​​does not suit, then problems of bones and eyes also start occurring. Along with this, family problems also increase.

If it does not suit, disputes start happening at the workplace and leadership ability starts weakening.

It also increases the ego of the people.

Rules for wearing ruby

Wearing ruby ​​with sapphire, diamond, onyx can prove harmful. It can be worn with pearl, emerald, coral, topaz.

Before wearing ruby ​​in Saturn’s sign or ascendant, take the advice of an astrologer.

Wearing ruby ​​in an iron ring can prove harmful.

Ruby should be replaced after four years of setting it in the ring.

Ruby should be worn in a gold or copper ring on the ring finger.

It should be worn only after taking a bath on Sunday afternoon or after sunrise, and its weight should be between six to seven and a quarter ratti.

Purify the ring with cow’s milk and Ganga water before wearing it. After this, wear it only after chanting one rosary of Sun God’s mantra Om Suryaya Namah.

Identify ruby ​​like this

It is of red, blood red, pink, pale pink etc. colors. The best ruby ​​is found in Myanmar. It is believed that if a ruby ​​is placed on the bud of a lotus flower, it blooms. Apart from this, if a real ruby ​​is placed in milk, it appears pink. Along with this, if it is kept in a glass vessel, a light ray appears to be emanating all around.

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