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Does Green Tea Help You Lose Weight (Does Green Tea Help In Losing Weight)

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Does Green Tea Help In Losing Weight – Losing weight through regular exercise is certainly difficult but effective. Adding a healthy low-calorie diet to it greatly increases the chances of getting a slimmer waist. You are also advised to include those foods in your daily diet that aid weight loss. Such foods either help boost your metabolism or help ease the process of digestion. Either way, help you in your weight loss journey.

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Green tea is one such popular ‘weight loss drink’. However, how does green tea help in weight loss? Does it help in losing weight or is it just a myth? What is the best way to consume green tea? We have brought some facts for you here.

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Does Green Tea Help You Lose Weight (Does Green Tea Help In Losing Weight)

Yes, green tea helps in weight loss. Green tea leaves do not undergo the oxidation and wilting process that is used to make black tea, and hence it is considered healthier than others.

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It is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants are known to fight these free radicals as well as boost the body’s immune system. Green tea contains antioxidants including vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene that protect the body. It also contains an active ingredient called catechin which helps boost metabolism and reduce weight.

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It has been found in many scientific studies that green tea can help burn fat and increases the metabolism rate. Stress is one of the major causes of obesity. It also contains an active ingredient identified as theanine. Theanine is a type of amino acid that helps reduce stress by providing a calming and relaxing effect on the brain. This helps in losing weight easily.

How is green tea helpful in weight loss?

Green tea is consumed with hot water, which is sugar-free. Hence, it is a calorie-free beverage. Drinking 2-3 cups of this mixture will not really have any effect on your calorie intake for the day.

If you feel hungry, this is the best drink to manage hunger pangs at odd hours. It is just like drinking water, the more you drink, the more full you feel. A cup of green tea will prevent you from overeating unnecessarily.

This drink is a treasure trove of antioxidants that boost your health. These antioxidants can help boost metabolism and keep the digestive process strong. The polyphenols present in the tea also help in detoxifying the body.

Catechins present in green tea are one of the antioxidants that are believed to boost metabolism, further promoting weight loss.

When should one take green tea?

The ideal time to take green tea is right after your breakfast and lunch when your metabolism rate is high. Consuming green tea during this time will only help boost the metabolism rate, and help digest food better.

Does green tea help in weight loss?

Green tea is a healthy drink rich in antioxidants. However, it is important to understand that drinking green tea alone will not help in losing weight, but some amount of exercise and a healthy drink along with a cup of green tea should also be kept in mind.

If you are thinking of losing weight by just drinking green tea, then this idea may be spoiled. So to lose weight, give your body a little trouble and exercise for about 30 to 40 minutes in the morning. This will burn your weight faster.

Final Words,

Green tea contains caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which can boost your metabolism. In such a situation, if you consume green tea along with exercise, then it burns your body fat faster. Mainly with the help of which belly fat is reduced effectively. It also promotes your overall health.

Green tea can prove to be helpful in reducing excess fat in your body. However, keep in mind that not only consuming green tea can be beneficial to control body weight, but exercise is also needed along with green tea.

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