Benefits Of Drinking Lassi – Lassi consumption is the most important beverage in India. Its consumption with food enhances the taste and also provides health benefits. Lassi is made by churning curd well and adding sugar and other flavor enhancers. It is especially drunk in summer to get cool.
Benefits Of Drinking Lassi (Lassi Benefits) – Is Lassi Good For Health
Yes, lassi is good for health. If you drink lassi daily then you should know about its benefits. Apart from being delicious, lassi has many health benefits that make it a part of your diet. Consuming lassi is very beneficial for skin, hair, acidity, relieving constipation, losing weight and strengthening bones. Here are the benefits of drinking lassi –
1) Body gets cool
Lassi acts as a natural cooling agent because lassi has a cooling effect. Its consumption in summers provides you a lot of relief and also keeps the body temperature under control.
2) Digestion improves
Lassi is an excellent source of probiotics which keeps your body’s digestive system better. Its daily consumption keeps away stomach problems like acidity, indigestion, and gas. Along with this, the balance of good bacteria in your body remains maintained.
3) Bones become strong
Lassi is rich in calcium and protein, which helps in strengthening bones. Drinking lassi regularly keeps the bones strong and also reduces the risk of bone-related problems like osteoporosis.
4) Helps in hydration
Due to physical activities in summer, your body sweats more, which can cause dehydration. Drinking lassi every day in summer keeps you hydrated. Due to this, the balance of electrolytes and water remains in your body.
5) Source of instant energy
Lassi contains sufficient amount of carbohydrates and sugar, which gives you instant energy, which is considered very good in the benefits of drinking lassi. If you feel tired after a hard day’s work, then a glass of sweet lassi can be helpful in returning your energy.
6) Provides essential nutrients
Lassi is a good source of many essential nutrients including calcium, protein and vitamins B2 and B12. These nutrients are very important for maintaining strong bones, healthy skin along with a strong immune system.
7) Helps reduce inflammation
Lassi has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who suffer from health conditions such as arthritis or asthma.
8) Helps in weight loss
Lassi can be helpful in a weight loss diet as it is low in calories and can help keep your stomach feeling full for a long time. It can also help control blood circulation levels.
9) Boosts the immune system
The probiotics found in lassi may help strengthen the immune system by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Lassi also helps prevent illness and infection.
10) Promotes healthy skin
The vitamins and minerals found in lassi, as well as its hydrating properties, are important in promoting healthy skin. Drinking lassi regularly can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles and make your skin look radiant.
11) Reduces stress and anxiety
Lassi has properties that can help reduce stress and anxiety. It is especially beneficial for individuals who suffer from chronic stress or depression.
12) Good for hair health
The vitamin B12 present in lassi prevents hair from graying. Lassi can also be used for hair conditioning.
Disadvantages of drinking lassi —-
1) Risk of weight gain
Although lassi contains many nutrients, if it is consumed in large quantities, it can also increase your risk of weight gain. This is because it is made very sweet, which increases the calories in it. If you doubt that drinking lassi increases weight, then know that regular consumption can also increase weight.
2) Health problems due to cold nature
Lassi has a cold nature, so lassi can be harmful for people who have cold, cough or throat problems. Drinking lassi in winter or in cold environment can increase cold, cough and fever.
3) Feeling heavy at night
Although some people get good sleep by drinking lassi at night, it is not beneficial for everyone. Some people may feel heaviness in the stomach by drinking lassi at night, which can cause trouble in sleeping.
4) Problem for people with lactose intolerance
If you are lactose intolerant, then consuming lassi can be harmful for you. Lassi contains high amount of lactose, which some people have difficulty in digesting. This can cause problems like stomach ache, gas, and diarrhea.
What is the right time to drink lassi?
The best time to consume lassi is during the day, especially during the afternoon. It cools the body and helps in digestion if consumed with lunch. Some people also like to drink lassi at night, but it can also have its own advantages and disadvantages. If you want to know the benefits of drinking lassi at night, then let us tell you that consuming lassi at this time cools the heat of your stomach and good sleep is possible. Apart from this, drinking lassi at night reduces the problem of acidity, which provides relief from stomach irritation.
Drinking lassi has both advantages and disadvantages. It is a better drink option to get relief from summer. It is important to keep in mind the needs and condition of your body while consuming it. By knowing the right time and right quantity of drinking lassi, you can take full advantage of it. While there are benefits of drinking sweet lassi like providing energy, helping in digestion, and strengthening bones, if consumed in excess, it can cause weight gain and other problems.